Code of Conduct


The Code of Behaviour for St. Edmunds Public School has been developed by parents, students and teachers to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to develop to their full potential, both academically and socially. All students, staff and visitors to BPDS are expected to uphold accepted rules and morals of the community and society. The most important realization for students is that each and every student is responsible for the consequences of his/her own behaviour. This code applies to Bruce Peninsula District School, all school-sponsored activities and school buses serving the school.

The Bluewater District School Board's Policy on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances clearly outline offenses and consequences regarding the use of these substances. A copy of the entire policy is available upon request. The following summarizes the violations outlined in the policy. Students will be in violation of the Board's policy if they:
- use tobacco;
- use or possess alcohol;
- use or possess inhalants for the purpose of intoxication;
- use or possess illicit or performance-enhancing drugs;
- are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs (excluding tobacco); while on school property or on Board-sponsored co-curricular trips or events. The following sanctions will apply to violations.

Sanctions will include:
- suspension from school;
- referral to the health unit (fine);
- community agency referral
- police contact

A school is a place of learning and business. Everyone is expected to wear modest clothing, which appears neat and presentable. Any clothing that is not consistent with the moral tone of the school is prohibited. This includes items such as, but not limited to, beachwear, clothing which reveals a student's underwear (i.e. halter tops, tube tops, short shorts), clothing advertising alcohol/drugs or displaying inappropriate, profane, or vulgar slogans. Headwear such as, but not limited to, bandanas, visors, baseball caps, and toques will not be worn in the classroom, office or library. Any questionable items will be dealt with by the school's administration.

Students will use acceptable language at all times on school property, school buses and during all school-sponsored activities.

Students will treat everyone with respect, recognizing the right of all people in the school to learn or to work.

All conflicts are to be resolved in a civilized manner through verbal mediation with the use of an objective third party, if necessary.

Students will treat the school building, property and equipment with respect. Hence, all garbage is to be disposed of properly.

Overt displays of affection are beyond the limits of acceptable behaviours.

Students will conduct themselves in a calm, quiet, orderly manner (i.e. running and yelling in the halls are not permitted).

Skateboards, snowboards, roller blades, cell phones, and selective electronic devices may not be used on school property. Secondary students may use MP3 players at the discretion of the classroom teachers. If these items are brought to school, they must be stored in the student's locker. Skateboards and roller blades must be carried from the school boundary to the student's locker.

Plagiarism or cheating on tests, examinations or assignments will result in a mark of "0". Parents will be informed in such instances.

Any theft of property will be reported to parents and may result in a suspension from school as well as police/court involvement.

Many consequences have been identified throughout The Code of Behaviour. Where a consequence has not been identified, one or more of the following will apply depending upon the seriousness of the infraction.
- detention
- removal of privileges
- counseling
- parent contact
- withdrawal from a classroom
- imposition of a performance contract
- internal or external suspension from school
and/or other reasonable consequences.

Every attempt will be made to enforce the Code of Student Behaviour for all students in a fair, firm and consistent manner. A student's previous behaviour, attitude and demonstrated a willingness to improve may be considered by the staff member when determining an appropriate consequence.

Inappropriate behaviour, not covered in the Code of Behaviour, will be handled at the discretion of the principal in consultation with teachers, parents/guardians, and any other professional staff outside the school deemed as being necessary.

This Code of Student Behaviour will be reviewed each school year, in consultation with teachers, parents, and students.

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